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Our Values

EDUZINE GLOBAL - Ultimate Vision, Mission, Aims, Objectives and Core Values

Our Ultimate Vision

Our ultimate vision is to live within and lead young people, worldwide, to ‘One Better World’.

‘One Better World’ is a safe, ethical, equal, honest, transparent, fair, just and caring global community, with a responsible media that truly celebrates positivity and eliminates negative sensationalism and all forms of exploitation.

Our Mission

Eduzine Global seeks to change lives, through inspiring, promoting, supporting, empowering, showcasing and celebrating the achievements of children and young adults, across the globe.

Our 4 Key Aims

Our vision can only be realised through successfully achieving our mission, which will be achieved by completing our 4 key aims:

1. Navigating global young achievers and their peers through the rocky terrain of media & publishing to a better, safe, ethical, equal, honest, transparent, fair, just and caring world from which everyone can broadcast.

2. Empowering young people globally, through providing a platform or stage for their;

  • Voice
  • Opinions
  • Promotion
  • Showcase of work
  • Achievements
  • Celebration
  • Reflection & Review

Ultimately leading them to a destination of reaching goals & achieving dreams, in a safe global community, where genuine equality, fairness, justice and care rule.

3. Working for and within, a well- maintained, well-managed, responsible, inspirational and positive reporting environment, which embeds equality, honesty, transparency, fairness, justice and care, as well as encouraging all young people to aspire to reach their goals and protects young people from harm and exploitation.

4. Supporting young people globally, by ensuring that those suffering through hardship, accidents of nature, health conditions, disabilities or experiencing difficulties of any nature, are helped, provided for and cared for , by a philanthropic world that includes an ethical caring and responsible media.

Our 4 Principal Objectives

To achieve our 4 key aims we have identified 4 principal objectives;

1. Report & publish global stories which are 100% positive about young people, their communities, their work, their skills & talents, their products & services and their supporters.

2. Equality, honesty, transparency, fairness, justice and care, represent our core ethical values, which we will pursue and promote relentlessly through everything we do and everything we publish or broadcast.

3. Employ, engage and partner, as far as is reasonably possible, only people and organisations that genuinely share and evidence a positive commitment to young people and their support and development.

4. Leadership through positivity, of our team of global young volunteers, ambassadors, correspondents, achievers and partners, through clear recognition and credit for the work they do, thereby demonstrating the selfless values we encourage and endorse.

Our Core Values

Our core values are embedded in everything we do, so much so, that we have included their promotion & pursuance as one of our four principal objectives. 

  • Equality
  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Fairness
  • Justice
  • Care

Our Reviews

We will regularly review our 4 principal objectives to ensure they are delivering real progress towards our aims, mission and ultimate vision. We will also at intervals reflect on our aims and mission statement.

Our Invitation

Young people worldwide and their supporters are invited to join our expanding Eduzine Global community and show support and commitment to our vision for ‘One Better World’. Contributing positive articles, stories, blogs, recordings, videos and images will ensure that your future exists within a genuinely safe and ethical global community, where equality, honesty, transparency, fairness, justice and care are practised, promoted and embedded via a new ethical global media.

Email: [email protected]